Sunday, 20 October 2013

Secret to covering up **

No I'm not referring to a great jersey but rather how to hide those annoying skin imperfections...

To those who are blessed with continuously perfect skin I'm seriously jealous as I unforunately have skin which is rather moody, however, I've learnt to deal with it. So here goes:

1. If you've got time, the first thing I do is use a good dying out skin mask, my personal favourite is the tea tree mask from The Body Shop. This dries out any unhappy pimples. If you're in a rush skip this step. Obviously wash and dry your face before moving to step 2.

2. Use a good moisturizer. Although you want to dry out any pimples, you do not want to dry out your skin. Test a new moisturizer before using it because some, for example spot reducing ones, don't work as well under makeup, keep the spot moisturizers for the evening. Makeup looks as bad on flakey dry skin as it does over a oozy pimple. * sorry for the graphic details... 

3. PRIMER. This is your best friend when you're experiencing uneven skin tone. It helps to create a smoother surface for your makeup. Personally I use the Woolworths primer, however, I've tried Clinique and Mac primers and all have had amazing results, I do not recommend Smashbox primers though.

4. Colour correcting product. These products help your makeup look more flawless by counteracting colours such as redness, depending on what type of imperfections you're working with. When you have spots, green is perfect. Often you can combine this step with step 3 as some primers come with the colour tint included, however, if you can find it separate it's great because you can concentrate the green more on top of a spot or in a perticularly red area. The only problem that arrises with this step is that if you use a liquid foundation you do not want the green to mix with your foundation colour and then it would be best to use the tinted primer as it dries in a manner that provides a great smooth finish to put liquid foundation on top of.

5. Foundation. This is obviously a personal choice. I use a mouse foundation, however, take your pick remembering to choice step 3&4 based on your foundation choice.

6. Powder, especially if your skin is uneven and has spots, powder will help with oil control and provide a fuller cover. I absolutely adore the Mac mineralise skin finish! It is amazing! And can be used alone, over a bb cream on a good skin day or to add extra cover on a not-so-good skin day.

7. Make pretty **

Love from Lollie xx

P.S. I am in no way a dermatologist or makeup artist, this routine works for me and I hope that it works for you too. 

Friday, 4 October 2013

New summer items **

The excitement of a new season is upon us and for us Southies this season brings floral dresses and cute sandals :D Although I'm surprised how well I embraced last winter, I'm definitely ready to step into the brighter shades and bold prints.

 With this excitement brings many happy shopping trips - which I of course hate with a passion.... JOKES!! Anyway, I thought I'd share a few of my new wardrobe editions ... 

Okay so I know these aren't really summer options, but they were so cute, I couldn't help myself. And surprisingly I've really been enjoying wearing them over this transition period when there are the odd colder days. Super comfy for us university goers, they make walking between classes a breeze. And these All Stars come in tons of super fun colours.  

 Next up is probably my favourite purchase ever! I mean seriously my earrings are on a date.... Boy-girl penguin earrings to make my life. Love wearing these unique earrings and they make a suprisingly good conversation starter.

So these sandals mark the start of my absolute obsession with jelly shoes! Watch this space - by the end of the season I expect my shoe cupboard to be filled with these guys. The only prob is that they're a bit uncomfortable at first while the plastic is still softening but after some time they become crazily comfy...  And the gold detail of these jellies is super cute for summer. Added bonus: they show off a sexy summer pedi perfectly.
P.S. Excuse the chipped nail polish 

 This is just the beginning.... 

Loves from Lollie 

Lush must-haves **

Lush has just recently landed in South Africa and it is definitely one of my regular stop offs when i'm out shopping ... which to my embarrassment is a little too often. So for this baby blog I thought I'd choose three of my favourite products that I've re-purchased to do a mini review on.

Firstly my absolute favourite product probably ever is the Lush OCEAN SALT facial scrub. I love this scrub to death. It's amazing for when you're having a bad skin day. It removes all dead skin and leaves your skin feeling fresh and clean. However, it is quite intense on the skin so it isn't as a replacement for your daily wash but rather as a every-second day kind of wash. I prefer to use it in the evening when I can use an extra moisturising cream and leave my skin make-up free for sometime after using it. 

Secondly, is the TEA TREE WATER which is a toner water in the form of a spray. Because it contains tea tree this product is a amazingly anti-baterialising leaving your pores feeling open and clean. It must be said though that the tea tree is good for removing oil. This means that if you have oily skin then this is perfect for you! Especially for use in the morning to keep your skin oil free for that extra bit longer. However, this means for those of you with rather dry skin, much like mine, it is better to be used in a less frequent fashion and in conjunction with a good moisturiser. But it is still an essential in my toiletry bag. 

And last but not least is the amazing BUBBLEGUM lip scrub, its bright pink colour is only the beginning of its coolness. Made up of natural sugar it is the perfect lip scrub. It's super easy to use in that you just take some and rub it over your lips until you feel the dead skin has been removed. And wait for it... the amazing and best part is that ... (drum role please) ... you can eat it afterwards!! *applause
Okay so maybe its not as cool as I like to think it is. But it tastes too amazing for words. And don't be disappointed if you're not a lover of the bubblegum flavor cause there are more flavors to choose from.

Please go and check out these products and hopefully you'll love them as much as I did.

Loves from Lollie

P.S. It must be said that I'm not a dermatologist and these are my own opinions.