Sunday, 20 October 2013

Secret to covering up **

No I'm not referring to a great jersey but rather how to hide those annoying skin imperfections...

To those who are blessed with continuously perfect skin I'm seriously jealous as I unforunately have skin which is rather moody, however, I've learnt to deal with it. So here goes:

1. If you've got time, the first thing I do is use a good dying out skin mask, my personal favourite is the tea tree mask from The Body Shop. This dries out any unhappy pimples. If you're in a rush skip this step. Obviously wash and dry your face before moving to step 2.

2. Use a good moisturizer. Although you want to dry out any pimples, you do not want to dry out your skin. Test a new moisturizer before using it because some, for example spot reducing ones, don't work as well under makeup, keep the spot moisturizers for the evening. Makeup looks as bad on flakey dry skin as it does over a oozy pimple. * sorry for the graphic details... 

3. PRIMER. This is your best friend when you're experiencing uneven skin tone. It helps to create a smoother surface for your makeup. Personally I use the Woolworths primer, however, I've tried Clinique and Mac primers and all have had amazing results, I do not recommend Smashbox primers though.

4. Colour correcting product. These products help your makeup look more flawless by counteracting colours such as redness, depending on what type of imperfections you're working with. When you have spots, green is perfect. Often you can combine this step with step 3 as some primers come with the colour tint included, however, if you can find it separate it's great because you can concentrate the green more on top of a spot or in a perticularly red area. The only problem that arrises with this step is that if you use a liquid foundation you do not want the green to mix with your foundation colour and then it would be best to use the tinted primer as it dries in a manner that provides a great smooth finish to put liquid foundation on top of.

5. Foundation. This is obviously a personal choice. I use a mouse foundation, however, take your pick remembering to choice step 3&4 based on your foundation choice.

6. Powder, especially if your skin is uneven and has spots, powder will help with oil control and provide a fuller cover. I absolutely adore the Mac mineralise skin finish! It is amazing! And can be used alone, over a bb cream on a good skin day or to add extra cover on a not-so-good skin day.

7. Make pretty **

Love from Lollie xx

P.S. I am in no way a dermatologist or makeup artist, this routine works for me and I hope that it works for you too. 

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